Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Inkblogs: Stressfully Sweet Birthday (Friendster on 3.10.06)

Quite an eventful few months since I last wrote a blog...

Finished attending classes for my MBA, now I'm cramming up for my strategic paper due in a few weeks...

Got stressed out at the yearend audit, still have to pass my biggest challenge at work which is releasing the Group's annual report...

Celebrated my birthday with friends...

The events leading to my birthday have been to say the least nerve-wracking and stressful. On the last lap of my MBA, I feel like a runner approaching the finish line gasping for air, exhausted and tired. The end is somehow, so near yet still so far. I did blitz past my MBA in Ateneo having taken it at a marathon phase, most of the time taking three subjects at a time per term. Of course, that's also quite a big financial investment on my part. Now only the paper and the defense is on the way to the end of the road.

It's really a challenging feat when while taking your MBA, you also maintain the passion and sense of ownership at work. For the first time since I left SGV, I was rendering significant extra hours just to finish my work. I always took pride on how efficient and effective I work but with increasing responsibilities alongside a platoon of new standard, I guess time was not on my side anymore... The yearend closing sure took a lot from me in terms of time and effort... I'm sure glad that the worse part is over.

I'd probably not have gone over the challenges of the past few months if it wasn't accompanied by a festive event, otherwise called as my birthday... Somehow, being with friends lately has taken much of the burden... Funny, as it is, during the most desperate times a week or two ago, I was setting up my guest list on who to invite on my birthday dinner... I just wanted to freeze for a moment and look forward to something festive and it really did help.

Had my birthday dinner on March 8 (My actual birthday is March 9) at Venetto with my some of my friends from SGV (or at least those who are still in the Philippines). Among those who attended were Arlyn, Ruth, She, Madz, Mark, Donald and Sharon. It's been a refreshing interlude for all of us since most of those who were present haven't seem each other for quite some time. The night lasted several rounds of stories and somehow, it feels good that when comparing then and now, we are now in a better place in each of our lives.

Had an influx of well wishers the next day on my actual birthday and I thank them for remembering. I really appreciate people's effort when it comes to greeting me on my birthday since it's the only day for the whole year which I can say is mine...

Well, so much for the sentimentalism... Got to go back to my life and reconsider my options after MBA... and the saga continues...

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